Lots of Kinkglake Trips
I have now done many trips around the Kinkglake area. It has been such a delight.
Most of the trips range between 72 and 80km and I am usually down to between 68 and 71 volts.
Wheel Alignment
This issue is now fully fixed. My brakes do not make any more noise
Power Failure
One trip around I had a power failure. After about 25km power just failed and I watched the voltage drop down and down until it went off. On pulling over, I could not turn on the bike first time. Second time I turned it off then on, it would constantly power cycle. Finally I found resetting the whole system by turning off the circuit breaker and back on fixed the problem, and I rode home the next 40km no issue. It has not happened again since, but keeping an eye on it.